Thursday, January 1, 2015

TES522: Storytelling for ELT


Busan University of Foreign Studies
Graduate School of TESOL
TES 522: Storytelling for ELT
Fall 2014: September 6 ~ December 19, 2014
Jeff Lebow

 Course Resources   Group Notes   Assignments


Part#1 - Dig Deeper Presentations

Dig a little deeper into an aspect of storytelling that you find especially interesting or useful. This can be related to something we covered in class or something we didn’t get around to from the Resource page. Prepare up to 15 minutes of a presentation, lecture, and/or activity demonstration that will be done in our final class.  This should include something new that we have not discussed.

Possible Topics include;

  • Historical Overview
  • Oral Delivery Skills, Verbal and Nonverbal Techniques
  • Storybooks: Resources and Reviews
  • Storytelling activities for EFL Classrooms
  • Storytelling and Language Skills
  • Digital Storytelling
  • Cultural and Gender Dimensions of Storytelling
  • Storytelling in Gameplay
  • Music in Storytelling
  • Gender and Cultural Issues in Storytelling
  • Anything else related to storytelling that you’d like to explore

Part#2 - Reflection Application Paper
Write a one page (about 300 words) paper on
  • What (if anything) did you find useful during this course? 
  • What role might storytelling play in your future teaching and what (if anything) will you apply from this course?
  • Which aspects of storytelling are you interested in learning more about in the future?

Friday, December 5, 2014

Week#14 - Culture in Storytelling


Cultural Stories

Long list of Folk texts

Myths & Legends

Folk Tales from around the World - YouTube Playlist

Ten Influential Modern and Contemporary Korean Writers

10 Racist Storybooks

Stereotypes in Children's Media

Yellow Face - a History of Racist Asian Stereotypes

Where Do Koreans' Ideas about Race Come From?

History of BlackFace in Korea

Discussion Questions

  • What are your favorite traditional Korean stories, folk tales, or myths?
    Which ones best represent Korean culture?  How so?

  • Which modern stories (novels, movies, poems, etc.) best represent periods of Korean history or aspects of its culture and society?  How so?
  • Are there Korean stories that bother you or seem to misrepresent parts of Korean culture?
  • What are some of your favorite traditional stories or folk tales from other cultures?

  • What examples of racism or cultural misrepresentations can you think of in traditional or modern stories from Korea or elsewhere?

  • Which cultural stories (Korean or not) do you think teach a valuable lesson?
  • How have you or might you use cultural stories in your teaching?

Friday, November 28, 2014

Week#13 - Gender in Storytelling


Gender Roles in Children’s Picture Books

Gender stereotypes plague children’s picture books

Poor Storytelling and the Gender Debate

Gender-specific children’s books ‘are easier to sell’, insists children's book publisher

Comic Book MOOC Playlist

Discussion Questions

  • What were your favorite stories as a child? Which gender were the main characters? Describe those characters?
  • If you could play any role in any story, which would you want to play and why?
  • Who are your favorite male characters from any story or movie? Describe them and why do you like them?
  • Who are your favorite female characters from any story or movie? why do you like them?
  • Which male and female characters have you disliked the most? Why?
  • Do you think the criticism of gender balance in stories is overblown? Might it just represent natural or desirable social norms?
  • Have you ever seen gender portrayals in stories, movies, or comic books that bothered you? Which ones? Why?
  • Do you think certain stories appeal more to boys or girls? How so?
  • When sharing personal narratives, do you think men and women (boys and girls) differ in storytelling style? How so?
  • How would you describe traditional and modern gender roles in Korean storytelling (books, movies, folk tales, etc). Is there much difference between Korea and other cultures?
  • How much do you (will you) consider gender portrayal when choosing a story to read, teach, or share with your child?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Week#12 - Digital Storytelling for Advanced Language Learning

Storytelling Podcasts

Audio books

Podiobooks offers complete books in episodic form so you can get just a chapter at a time 
Open Culture  Open Culture has a very respectable collection of great audio books, mostly classics, available for free in a variety of downloadable formats from all over the Web. 
Internet Archive The Internet Archive has a very good collection of free audio books and poetry recordings from a eclectic variety of sources.
Librivox Librivox is an entirely volunteer-curated collection of free audio books that are in the public domain. Volunteers read chapters of these books, and the chapters are then placed online for public consumption.
Learn Out Loud Learn Out Loud is a gigantic collection of free audio books, lectures, and educational podcasts
Project Gutenberg   Project Gutenberg one of the oldest and largest sites on the Web, offering thousands of free, public domain books both to read and to listen to.



Playback Speed control

Media players with speed control

Next Week Materials: Gender in Storytelling

Friday, November 14, 2014

Week#11 - Digital Storytelling

What is Digital Storytelling?
From :
Digital storytelling at its most basic core is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories. There are a wealth of other terms used to describe this practice, such as digital documentaries, computer-based narratives, digital essays, electronic memoirs, interactive storytelling, etc.; but in general, they all revolve around the idea of combining the art of telling stories with a variety of multimedia, including graphics, audio, video, and Web publishing.
Online Resources

General Digital Storytelling Resources
Digital Storytelling Examples

Make 'fill in the blank' Stories

Friday, November 7, 2014

Week#10 - Language Skills & Online Tools (Part#1)

Discussion Questions

  • Can you think of times when hearing a story has affected your behavior or actions?
  • Describe significant experiences you’ve had learning via ‘fact presentation’ (e.g. reading bullet points or simple lecture). Which ones were effective or ineffective? Why?
  • Describe significant experiences you’ve had learning via ‘storytelling’ (e.g.dramatic videos or a professor who told a lot of stories). Which ones were effective or ineffective? Why?
  • In your past and present workplaces, how have bosses and supervisors gotten their message out via fact presentation vs. storytelling? Has it made a difference?
  • What are some topics you currently teach via storytelling? How do you do it?
  • What are some topics you currently (or will likely teach) via fact presentation that might be taught via storytelling instead? How would you do it? What would the challenges be?

Language Skill Activity Demonstrations

  • How might you use storytelling-based activities to teach specific language skills

    • Grammar
    • Vocabulary
    • Speaking / Pronunciation
    • Listening
    • Reading
    • Writing

Online Resources

Graphic Organizers & Worksheets
Make 'fill in the blank' Stories

Friday, October 31, 2014

Week#9 - Storytelling, Your Brain, & Teaching

Storybook Reading Feedback
  • Don’t like your voice. Changeable?
  • Pace
  • Facial Expressions
  • Vocal Expressions (for character clarification)
  • Connecting with the audience - Events (ask questions, interventions) - Checks for Understanding

The Science of Storytelling and your Brain

Readings  (print friendly Google Doc here)


Discussion Questions (for Week#10)
  • Can you think of times when hearing a story has affected your behavior or actions? 
  • Describe significant experiences you’ve had learning via ‘fact presentation’ (e.g. reading bullet points or simple lecture). Which ones were effective or ineffective? Why? 
  • Describe significant experiences you’ve had learning via ‘storytelling’ (e.g.dramatic videos or a professor who told a lot of stories). Which ones were effective or ineffective? Why? 
  • In your past and present workplaces, how have bosses and supervisors gotten their message out via fact presentation vs. storytelling? Has it made a difference? 
  • What are some topics you currently teach via storytelling? How do you do it? 
  • What are some topics you currently (or will likely teach) via fact presentation that might be taught via storytelling instead? How would you do it? What would the challenges be?