Friday, October 31, 2014

Week#9 - Storytelling, Your Brain, & Teaching

Storybook Reading Feedback
  • Don’t like your voice. Changeable?
  • Pace
  • Facial Expressions
  • Vocal Expressions (for character clarification)
  • Connecting with the audience - Events (ask questions, interventions) - Checks for Understanding

The Science of Storytelling and your Brain

Readings  (print friendly Google Doc here)


Discussion Questions (for Week#10)
  • Can you think of times when hearing a story has affected your behavior or actions? 
  • Describe significant experiences you’ve had learning via ‘fact presentation’ (e.g. reading bullet points or simple lecture). Which ones were effective or ineffective? Why? 
  • Describe significant experiences you’ve had learning via ‘storytelling’ (e.g.dramatic videos or a professor who told a lot of stories). Which ones were effective or ineffective? Why? 
  • In your past and present workplaces, how have bosses and supervisors gotten their message out via fact presentation vs. storytelling? Has it made a difference? 
  • What are some topics you currently teach via storytelling? How do you do it? 
  • What are some topics you currently (or will likely teach) via fact presentation that might be taught via storytelling instead? How would you do it? What would the challenges be?

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