Friday, September 26, 2014

Week#4 - Finding Good Stories

Online Resources

Reading Materials - Storybooks and Read Aloud

International Children’s Digital Library 1000’s of children’s books from around the world , sortable by age level and book type. Best to use advanced search.

Story Online

Videos of famous people reading storybooks. Includes printable handouts with activities, but not the original text of the books.

FreeKidsBooks    Free stories to view online or download as pdf's. storybooks.

Allows users to make their own visual stories using contributed illustrations. Thousands of user generated stories to read and discuss.

Children’s Storybooks Online
Illustrated books sorted by level (young children, older children, young adults) Children's Library
Thousands of copyright-free children’s books in a variety of formats (e.g.pdf, mobi, html).

List of Children's Books for Reading
Links to many sources of free children’s books and reading material

ESLFast collection of 365 short stories for language learners. Each story include a slowly read audio and there are also quiz and dictation activities for each story. .

ER Central
Dedicated to developing an Extensive Reading and Extensive Listening approach to foreign and second language learning. Lots of potential resources - many still ‘coming soon’.

Tarhell Reader

Hundreds of easy-to-read  user-generated books illustrated by using Flickr photos.

EastoftheWeb Children’s Short Stories - good source of text for several dozen stories.

An assortment of stories, poems, and tongue twisters - some with audio recordings.

A few dozen American folk tales retold within several basic easy-reading paragraphs.


Kidjutsu, Comics for Kids
Free comics sorted by type and age level

Goong   Comic    Discussion
International comics translated into different languages (mostly English)

Large selection of comics for sale, but with a decent selection of free ones which change weekly. Some might not be appropriate for middle schoolers.

Newsarama Free Comics

Book Reviews, Recommendations, and Discussions

Affiliated sites that provide book reviews, author interviews, and reading lists.

Reviews, recommendations, ‘best of’ lists,  and discussions of recent books
    Sorted by age, level, and topic

In class task
- Partner storybook reading practice.
- Whole group read aloud and usage discussion

- Contribute as many books that you really like as possible to our Class Resources Google Doc.  Look through the online resources and review sites shared during class if necessary. 

Have a wonderful (loooooong) 개천절 Weekend. See you October 10!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Week#3 - Read Aloud Techniques


Read Aloud Time

Storytelling Read aloud Techniques

Read Aloud Do's & Don'ts from Jim Trealease

The Art of Reading a Storybook
How to Read a Book to Children (English)

Watch Reading Aloud And Learning Languages - Reading Aloud Studying Technique

Reading Aloud: A Tutorial (Part 1 of 2)

Discussion Questions
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of … ...reading a paper storybook ...reading a digital copy of a storybook ...playing a video of a storybook being read
  • Which do you prefer, as a teacher and a listener?
  • When you read a story to your students or children, how do you arrange the physical space?
  • How would you describe your storybook reading style?
  • Is it different from your personal storytelling style?
  • Which of Trelease’s Do’s and Don'ts do you agree with (or not)?\
  • What are you own Do’s and Don’ts for reading to your students and children?
  • What do (or might) you usually do before and after reading a book?

Read Aloud Practice

Assignment: Bring a favorite storybook or two with you next class.  Prepare at least five minutes of Read Aloud materials. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Week#2 - Storytelling Basic and More Get Acquainted Storytelling

Storytelling Basics

What is Storytelling
With annotations:
Narratives and Story-Telling

What Makes a Story Great?
Andrew Stanton Ted Talk: The Clues to a Great Story
How Basic Storytelling Elements Transcend Cultures
  • Make me care
  • Create anticipation
  • 2 + 2  not 4
Types of Stories

Oral Tradition of Storytelling: Definition, History &

Discussion Questions
  • What do you remember about engaging with stories as a child? 
  • How did you (do you) consume most stories (storybooks, videos, oral presentation, etc.)? 
  • Which Korean stories were your favorite? Why?
  • Which non-Korean stories were your favorites? Why? 
  • What was/is your favorite storytelling environment (bed, in front of TV, a stage) 
  • What experiences do you have telling stories to children or adults(in or out of school) ?

  • Storytelling Basics Discussion
  • More Timeline Storytelling
  • Photo Stories   Jeff Example


Friday, September 5, 2014

Week#1 - Getting Oriented & Basics of Story Structure and Type

Week#1 Agenda

  • Welcome and Orientation
  • Discussion of personal favorite stories and course preferences
  • Introduction of Basic Story Structure and Type
  • Personal Storytelling based on non-linear timeline
Handout:  Classic 3 Act Structure & The Seven Basic Plots


Discussion Questions: 

➤  When you think of ‘storytelling’, what comes to mind?

What are some of your favorite stories of each type listed below? Which ones have you read, seen, or listened to repeatedly? How do they affect you?  
  • Books
  • Movies
  • TV shows
  • Folktales
  • Songs
  • Poems
  • Comic books
  • Role-playing Games
  • Jokes
  • Other

Why do you like them so much?

Are you a good storyteller?  Why or Why not?

Who is the best storyteller you know? What makes them so good?

What role does storytelling currently play in your life and work?

How interested are you in learning about these aspects of storytelling?
  • Historical Overview, Story Structure, Story Types
  • Storytelling and Language Skills
  • Oral Delivery Skills, Verbal and Nonverbal Techniques
  • Storybooks: Resources and Reviews
  • Storytelling activities for EFL Classrooms
  • Digital Storytelling
  • Cultural and Gender Dimensions of Storytelling
  • Storytelling in Gameplay
  • Teacher as Storyteller
  • Other Aspects