Friday, September 12, 2014

Week#2 - Storytelling Basic and More Get Acquainted Storytelling

Storytelling Basics

What is Storytelling
With annotations:
Narratives and Story-Telling

What Makes a Story Great?
Andrew Stanton Ted Talk: The Clues to a Great Story
How Basic Storytelling Elements Transcend Cultures
  • Make me care
  • Create anticipation
  • 2 + 2  not 4
Types of Stories

Oral Tradition of Storytelling: Definition, History &

Discussion Questions
  • What do you remember about engaging with stories as a child? 
  • How did you (do you) consume most stories (storybooks, videos, oral presentation, etc.)? 
  • Which Korean stories were your favorite? Why?
  • Which non-Korean stories were your favorites? Why? 
  • What was/is your favorite storytelling environment (bed, in front of TV, a stage) 
  • What experiences do you have telling stories to children or adults(in or out of school) ?

  • Storytelling Basics Discussion
  • More Timeline Storytelling
  • Photo Stories   Jeff Example


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