Friday, October 10, 2014

Week#6 - Storytelling Activities

Lists of Activities

In class tasks
-  Finish whole group read aloud and usage discussion
- Look through Wright's Storytelling activities in pairs. Jigsaw and share the activities of most interest. 

- Look through the storytelling activity sites listed above and comment on this post about two or three that seem useful and how you might apply it in a real teaching situation.
- Bring a storybook to read for solo video practice next week.
- Continue contributing books that you really like to our Class Resources Google.  

Midterm Preview

Part#1 - Create a plan for an amazing storybook lesson using specific book.  Try an activity you've never done before.

Part#2 - Watch your storytelling video and provide some feedback to yourself.  Be nice!


  1. I would like to apply one activity(2.23 Muddled pictures) of activities before the story in my teaching situation. I've never done it before the story. It is about the correct sequence children think the story will be in. Prepare a series of pictures of key moments in the story. Teacher can photocopy and cut up the pictures for each pair of children, or display them on the board, each one with a letter.
    In class, show separate pictures from the story and ask the children to try to put them into the correct sequence. They then listen to the story to see if they were correct.
    This activity help the children to predict the gist of the story and set them a task to do.

  2. Activity: Children Retelling (before the story)
    This activity is appropriate for the students to retell the story they already know in the target language because they know the story well and all they have to do is to retell (or translate) the story in the target language(English). At first, I let students summarize the story in their mother tongue and retell their summary in the target language(English) as much as they can. This activity can be done in the individual work or pair work. Even if the students are high school students, they can have difficulty retelling the story in English because they feel pressured to make perfect full sentences, so I(teacher) need to encourage my students not to feel ashamed or embarrassed because of their mistakes and to make as many sentences as possible.

  3. Activity: Topics from pictures (before the story)
    I can use just one picture from the story which encourages students to guest what the story is about. Or, I can choose several pictures from the story which show the sequence of the story and let the students make their own imaginary story , compare their stories with the real story and find differences between them. It can help students to write their own stories based on their imagination.

  4. Finding stories in songs seems useful to retell and remember stories better because my students love songs. I would apply this activity in two ways. First, after listening a story, students learn a song which tell the story. They could understand the story better and remember it naturally. Second, I would present a new song which tell a story. Listen to the song and then let students retell the story in the song in their own words. And then I would have storysong concert or competition.

  5. After the story, Puzzle Tale(putting the pieces together) could be helpful as comprehension checking activity. In my class, I would copy a tale from a printed anthology and cut it up into sections or scenes. And then I paste each section on a separate page, give out the sheets to students who each prepare to retell their small piece of the whole story and assemble the story by having each student retell his or her part in the plot's sequence. I need to have students keep the flow going as the story is told so that the performance moves along as though one person were telling it, do a second round by giving students different sections to retell and notice how differently students retell the same sections.
